The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Local Governance

The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy.

The constitution is 10 governors, 1 headteacher (ex-officio), 2 staff, 2 parents and 5 LGB appointed governors.

Governors Meetings

There are six meetings of the full Local Governing Body (LGB) each academic year. One per half term. At present there are no standing committees, however, a pay awards committee will be formed in the Autumn term each year to review annual staff pay awards.

Parent Governor Appointments

All parents/carers are contacted when a parent/carer governor vacancy arises and are invited to apply. If more than one application is received, we undertake a ballot of parent/carers to determine who will fill the vacancy.

Appointed Governors

If you’re interested in becoming a governor and you are not a parent/carer of a pupil or a member of staff, you can join us as an Appointed Governor.  Please email the Clerk for further information on how to apply.

Teaching/Staff Governors

Teacher governors are invited to apply to be a Staff Governor when a vacancy arises, and should the school receive more than one teacher application we undertake a ballot process to determine who will fill the vacancy.

The term of office for all types of Governor is 4 years. Governors can stand for multiple terms of office.

Chair and Vice Chair

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Governing Body are elected annually at the first meeting of the Academic year, or as necessary in the event of a resignation.

For further information on matters relating to the Governing Body please contact the Clerk in the first instance.

Amelia Payne - Parent Governor - Interim Chair of Governors

Current term:

18.11.21 - 17.11.25

Start date:  30.04.18

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 Nil

Becca Hulse - Appointed Governor - Co Vice Chair

Current Term:

7th October 2022 - 6th October 2026 2026

Start date 7th October 2022

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 - NONE

Paul Bennett - Appointed Governor - Co Vice Chair

Current Term:

14th July 2023 - 13th July 2027

Start date 14th July 2023

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 - NONE

Dave Jerram - Staff Governor

Current term:


Start date: 05.05.21

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 - Employed at the school. Nephew-in-law of K Couldwell, since 01.09.2019

Kate Couldwell - Ex Officio

Current term:

28.02.17 - 

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 - Employed at the school. Aunt-in-law of D Jerram since 01.09.2019

Tracy Denyer - Staff Governor

Current term:

30.06.20 – 29.06.24

Start date:  30.06.20

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 - has a close relation also employed at TKAT in the 

Pastoral Team at Front Lawn since 01/04/2013.

Sally Johnson - Appointed Governor

Current Term:

20.11.21 - 19.11.25

Start Date 20.11.21

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 - NONE

Sophie Bebee - Parent Governor

Current Term:

27th May 2022 - 26th May 2026

Start date 27th May 2022

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 - NONE

Debbie Marks - Appointed Governor

Current Term:

27th May 2022 - 26th May 2026

Start date 27th May 2022

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23 - NONE

Leavers in the last 12 months

Ben Cooper - Chair of Governors - Appointed.

Current Term 

07.12.21 - 06.12.25

Start Date 07.12.21

Left - 28th March 2024

Current Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31.08.23:

  • Consultant Chair of Governors at Bridgemary School - Start - 01.01.2021 - End - ongoing
  • Consultant Chair of Governors at Broadfield Primary Academy - Start - 01.09.2022 - End - ongoing
  • Consultant Chair of Governors at Front Lawn Primary Academy - Start - 07.12.2021 - End - ongoing
  • Consultant Chair of Governors at The Bewbush Academy (TKAT) - Start - 01.09.2022 - End - ongoing
  • Consultant Chair of Governors at The Mill - Start - 01.09.2022 - End - ongoing
  • Governor at Havant Academy - Start - 01.11.2020 - End - ongoing
  • Director of Marketing Company Recenseo - 8th December 2018 -no transactions with TKAT 22-23

Would you like to become a school governor?  We are looking for more volunteers to join our team.  Please contact the Chair or Clerk to the Governors for further information.

How do I get in touch with the Governors?

You can contact members of the Front Lawn Primary Academy Local Governing Committee as follows:

By phone: Phone the school Reception on 02392 475904 and leave a message. Your message will be forwarded to the Chair of Governors.

By e-mail: Send your e-mail to Your e-mail will be forwarded to the Chair of Governors.

By post: Send correspondence, for the attention of the ‘Chair of Governors’, to the school address at:

FLPA, Broadmere Avenue, Leigh Park, Havant, HANTS, PO95HX