The Kemnal Academies Trust is one of the largest Multi-Academy Trusts in the South and East of England with 45 Special, Primary, Secondary and All Through Academies in the TKAT Family.

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Pupil Voice

Pupil Leadership Roles

Our children know that they have the right to be heard in those decisions which affect them (Article 12) and that we value their contributions. 

We believe that our children should be fully involved in the leadership of the school and all have a voice.

We have established groups that children can join in order to have their say and make a difference.

This document explains the roles and how children can go about applying for one of them.

Pupil Leaders

The Reading Ambassadors are a group of Year 5 and Year 6 children who love reading and want to be proactive in helping other children enjoy reading too.  They applied for the role by producing posters of why they loved reading and a Year 6 child worked alongside the English team to choose the successful candidates.  

The children produced their own action plan with a focus on reading for pleasure.  They decided that they wanted to ensure the reading sheds were organised and updated, read to and hear children across the school read and run events such as a regular book swap and assemblies to promote reading and recommend books to children.   They are also planning to take their love of reading into the wider community and read to adults in the local care home and to children in local nurseries.  

Click to see our Reading Ambassadors Action Plan


Our Young Governors are elected each year.  One Young Governor is elected from each Year Group.  In the first meeting of each year, after speaking to their class to gather ideas, they create their Action Plan - the things they want to achieve this year for the School and the children in it.

Last year the Young Governors wanted to make our school tidier and more environmentally friendly.  They organised more litter bins in the playground and held a meeting with our caretaker to talk to him about how important it was that these bins were emptied everyday and made him promise to do a litter pick each morning.

They also provided each class with a paper recycling bin and spoke to each class about the importance of recycling.  They also met with the Business Manager to organise the collection of the recycling.

The final action our Governors achieved was to source, decorate and position some friendship benches in the playground.

At Front Lawn, 12 children completed a selection process and have been awarded the role of Safeguarding champion.

Research has shown, that some children find it easier to speak initially to another child rather than an adult about things that are worrying them.  This can range from friendships and school work right up to bigger worries.

The role of Safeguarding Champion is to have a basic understanding of safeguarding, to be a supportive friend to their peers and to signpost them to the right adult.

The Safeguarding Champions also support children to keep safe throughout the year, using themed topics.  Halloween and Firework night are two examples of this.

Every class from Y1 to Y6 has a Safeguarding Champion and they are expected to exemplify the highest expectations for behaviour and attitude as outlined in the school policy.

Click to see our Safeguarding Champions Action Plan

The junior librarians are responsible for helping to run both libraries; one located in the lower school and one in the upper school. The interested candidates had to fill in an application form and be interviewed by the Librarian in order to secure their position. Junior librarians are on hand to help children choose books at lunchtime and help to keep the library tidy and organised.