Information technologists at Front Lawn will have the opportunity to learn how to solve problems, think logically, research, programme, be creative and be safe.
They will use a range of programmes such as Bebots and scratch, learn how to input and analyse data and design and create their own app interface. Staying safe online is an imperative part of the IT curriculum and every year group will focus on this.
Content and Sequencing
- There are two units of work for each term in IT.
- Basic advancing and deep knowledge and tasks are planned according to the milestone the children are working in.
- The knowledge we have sequenced matches the knowledge in the National Curriculum for computing.
Click here to see our scheme of work
Teacher guides KS1
Teacher guides KS2
Click here to see the progression of skills taught through Milestones
Click here for an example of our planning
IT Year 4 We are software developers
Retrieval Practise
Retrieval is an essential part of the learning and ensures that any learning moves into the long term memory.
In IT, every lesson starts with retrieving the knowledge for how to stay safe as well as the learning from the previous lesson/unit of work.
An IT expert currently works alongside some of our teaching staff to ensure the retrieval of knowledge is becoming embedded.
More Able Information technologists
The more able technologist at Front Lawn are offered the opportunity to visit the local secondary school in Spring or Summer term to work alongside an IT specialist.
Learning Environments
We ensure our learning environments are immersive and topic driven.
Each year group has a bank of technology that they can use throughout the day.
Computing is assessed each term. Teachers identify who is exceeding expectations and children who are not meeting the expected standard. Teachers will be mindful of any significant groups who are not making progress and ensure they keep a close eye on them the following term