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Strategic Goals 2020-2025


- Staff feel supported to further their careers

- Staff are engaged in research to develop their own practice.

- Staff thrive.



- Curriculum balance between acadmeic subjects and personal development.

- Children achieve in line with other children nationally.

- Children are happy and thrive.



- Parents feel valued and listened to.

- Parents engage with home learning.

- Parents know where they can access support when it is needed.


Strategic Goals Year 2
Strategic Goals

Working Beyond  Targets

The following targets were set by OFSTED in November 2018:

Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that:

- pupils’ progress continues to increase so that greater proportions write at a high standard.


Actions 2020-21

Enhance provision for deeper learning across the curriculum

- Create GDS descriptors for all subjects

- Use documents created to enhance deeper knowledge in all subject areas

- Use Pupil progress meetings to analyse data

- Monitor the literature spine to ensure opportunities for GDS reades


Develop long term memory via embedding schemas in foundation subjects

- CPD to focus on use of schemas in foundation subjects and Rosenshine principles

- Continue to train and develop staff and childrens' use of vocabulary across all subjects


Ensure balance of study across the curriculum (protected characteristics)

- Ensure the library and classroom have a range of accessible texts that promote diversity and equality

- Enusure all house days/assemblies/charity work promote protected characteristics



Actions 2019-20

Enhance provision for 'deep learning' in all core subjects so that the % of GDS increases in all year groups.

- Use pupil progress meetings to analyse data for GDS pupils

- Increase provision for GDS pupils outside of the curriculum

- CPD to focus on: GDS reading, writing, maths and science


Continue to improve outcomes in foundation subjects by further developing teachers knowledge and understanding of the learning concepts

- Staff development in all foundation subjects

- Create links with secondary schools to explore expectations in foundation subjects in Year 7

- Enhance teacher's questioning to promote deep learning in foundation subjects

- Continue to develop staff's understanding of memory and retention

- Consistent daily dashboards to be taught across the school


Actions 2018-19
9 6 7 9 4 Visitors