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Young Governors


Our Young Governors are elected each year.  One Young Governor is elected from each Year Group.  In the first meeting of each year, after speaking to their class to gather ideas, they create their Action Plan - the things they want to achieve this year for the School and the children in it.


Last year the Young Governors wanted to make our school tidier and more environmentally friendly.  They organised more litter bins in the playground and held a meeting with our caretaker to talk to him about how important it was that these bins were emptied everyday and made him promise to do a litter pick each morning.


They also provided each class with a paper recycling bin and spoke to each class about the importance of recycling.  They also met with the Business Manager to organise the collection of the recycling.


The final action our Governors achieved was to source, decorate and position some friendship benches in the playground.







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