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Year 5


   Hello and Welcome to Year 5 2023/2024


  Staff:Mr. Craig

            Ms. Batey

            Mrs. Clark

            Miss. Jones

            Miss. Channing

            Miss. Hewitt

            Mrs. Beckett


Autumn 2023

Key Question - How has the past influenced our future?


  2023 - Where did that Autumn Term go?   


 What we did in Year 5:

  * The Southampton Art Gallery trip - making clay pots for our project.

  * The Winchester Science Museum trip

  * Quidditch came to FLPA

  * Rock Kidz

  * Halloween Disco

  * Fireworks Display

  * Life Bus visit

  * Meeting our lovely parents for 'Parents evening'

  * Odd Socks and Children in Need - supporting charities

  * Winter Ball

  * Panto Visit to see Snow White at the Mayflower Theatre

  * Band Rewards - Rainbow/ Bronze/ Silver and Gold

  * Christmas Crafts

  * Bigfoot Theatre Company in to perfrom and for Cedar/ Poplar to take part in workshops on 'Anti-bullying'


 And of course on top of all that, the children have been working extremely hard on their English, Maths and Science lessons, aswell as all the foundation subjects.      Well done Cedar and Poplar! 


 Don't forget that children take home 2 books a term, from their English/Talk for Writing lessons - This term (Autumn) was: Percy Jackson and Wonder.  So by the end of the year, they should have 6 new books to help build their personal reading library at home. 


Our topics this term were about:


History - The Ancient Greeks - how their democracy has influenced todays world and how that is relevant. Who were they, what did they do, what did they leave behind that we may learn about the past.


Geography - Mapping and how we have imaginary lines around the globe (longtitude and lattitude), what are maps, how do we use them, what can maps tell us etc. 


Art - The brilliant Robert McCall, a NASA artist who wasa famous for creating giant murals about the furture of space exploration and always thinking ahead. 


DT - Making a moving vehicle with simple everyday parts. How have engines changed over time and what is the engine of the future - electric?!


Science - Forces that act upon us like gravity and friction. The wonders of Earth and Space and investigating more about the planets and our biggest star - The Sun.  Researching more into a famous scientist and their impact on the world - Sir Isacc Newton 


Spanish - Finding out how we can talk about rooms and pieces of furniture in our homes, but speaking in Spanish! Knowing more about where Spanish is spoken and in particular countries - this term was Chile.


PE - Dance and armography: here we looked at sequencing, mirroring, moving around the room using different shapes, speeds etc. This then led to a display of working together in pairs and using armography and the skills/ techniques learnt to share with others.


Music - We were lucky to have some specialist music sessions. We sang songs, learnt about musical scores and how rhyme and rhythm are important. 


RE - We looked at Eid and Advent, looking at similarities and differences. 


PSHE - Working together, friendships, anti-bullying were some of the areas that we took part in during our PSHE sessions. 


 So as you can see, we have had a busy Autumn term, but we are really looking

forward to the Spring and Summer Terms. 



Scroll down to see some amazing photos of some of the activities that Year 5 have been doing. 


Spring Term 2024 follows the photos








Launch Day Autumn 2023 - Greek Food Tasting

Art Museum Trip 2023

BigFoot Anti-Bullying Workshop 2023

PE Dance 2023

PE Gym 2023

Harry Potter's Quidditch came to FLPA 2023

Music 2023

SCARF 2023




Recycling is our over arching topic this term for the whole school. So therefore, Year 5 will be investigating recycling and if we don't, how does that impact the Earth, our home.

We will be also creating paper bowls our of recycled newspapers and magazines. Then sell them at the end of term and donate any money raised to a recycling charity. 


We believe that it is everyones responsibility to look after our home - planet Earth! We only have one home, and if we don't look after it, then we all will suffer in someway - not just humans, but the plants, animals, insects, fish, birds etc.


Come on parents - REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE!

Spring 2024 

Key Question - What is our impact on the Earth?


  Welcome to Spring in Year 5


What we did in year 5:

  So far: 

  * Trip to the BBC Earth Experience

  * Rock Kidz returned

  * Share a tray


Coming up:

  * British Museum Trip - End of Spring Term

  * February Fandango Disco 7th February

  * Parents Evening - 26/27th February

  * World Book Day - 7th March

  * Author Vist - Puneet Bhandal: Bollywood/ Melody Queen and many others - 11th March

  * Red Nose Day - 15th March 

  * Band Trips - Week beginning 18th March

  * Easter Crafts - 25th, 26th, 27th March

  * Easter Disco - 26th March

  * Easter Egg Raffle - 28th March

  * Come have lunch with your child - 28th March.


Looks like this term is going to be just as busy as last term! I'm sure many more activities are coming which we will share as they happen - so keep cominmg back to us to see what Year 5 have been up to. 



  What a great start to the new term and new year for all in Year 5.   The children went to the exciting BBC Earth Experience in London to kick start their new topic - biomes and looking at the planet Earth.


English books this term coming home to add to the the children's personal library are: Holes and Who Let the God's out?


Our topics this term were about:


History - Ancient Egypt, who were they, what made them be remembered still today - have they left objects/ buildings/ writings that influence us today?


Geography - Biomes - what are they, where can we find them. Are they found locally or worldwide, can we make our own biomes?


Art - The fabulous and quirky Salvador Dali. You know the one with the long moustache and likes to paint 'melting clocks'!


DT - Making a kite that is made using different shapes and why those shapes have an importance.


Science - Materials, and how they can be used for specfic tasks e.g. Is a chair best made from a piece of paper of wood? Why?


Spanish - Continuing our Spainish journey into the kitchen this time. As well as looking at Equador, to see what the Spanish influence is in that country


PE - Invasion games - working as a team, individually, refining our skills when passing or throwing, and always being a team player. 


Music - Continuation of a music specialist to further support the children's understanding and to build their own confidence to perform


RE - Looking at Hinduism - the pathways of Moksha,  and Judaism - Holiness for Jewish people. 


PSHE - Building upon the previous terms sessions, so that we can continue to support each other. 





February 2022: Year 5 were treated to a transition assembly from Warblington School. All the children enjoyed listening to Miss Griffins and her Year 7 and Year 10 students about life at Warblington.

The children had an amazing experience attending their trip to the Dominion Theatre in London, where they watched The Prince of Egypt. This was to launch our Egyptian topic. 

Photos to follow.

Welcome back to the Spring Term. This term we will be learning about Egyptians and Biomes.

Our essential question for this term is 'What is our impact on planet Earth?'.

This will include learning around this question. 

Please see our detailed overview to see the children's learning journey.

During the Autumn term, Year 5 had the opportunity of visiting:

Intech in Winchester

Orienteering at Leigh Park Gardens

The Mayflower Theatre to watch The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe.


Photos to follow.

Curriculum coverage Autumn 2021

Welcome back to the Autumn Term. This term we will be learning about Ancient Greeks and Forces.

Our essential question for this term is 'What influence the future?'.

This will include learning around this question. 

Please see our detailed overview to see the children's learning journey.

2021- 2022     Year 5 Team:

Miss Boister, Mrs Clark, Ms Batey, Mrs Payne, Mrs Barlow and Mrs Townsend.


Year 5 September 2020-July 2021


Welcome to the Year 5 blog.  This is a way that you can see what learning is taking place in our two classes, Poplar and Cedar.


We are starting the Autumn term with a short project surrounding real life heroes, particularly those we want to thank yes because they stepped up during the COVID-19 national lock down.  We will also be looking at the symbol of the rainbow and discussing what a miracle is.  

Our essential question is:  What does a rainbow bring?

We will be focusing upon literacy skills, design and technology, and music for our project.  Alongside our maths, PSHE, science,  Spanish and P.E. lessons.  

Check back regularly to find out more about our learning journey.


Year 5 Team:

Miss Garrod, Ms Batey and Mrs Horrell - Cedar Class


Miss Goodman and Mrs Phillips - Poplar Class







Useful information


Drop off and pick up times 


Poplar Cedar
Drop off:    08:40 Drop off:  08:50
Pick up:      15:00 Pick up:    15:10


Please line up at the allocated gate (High Lawn Way) at your time.  There are markings on the pavement leading towards Middle Park Way to allow you and you child to wait safely on the pavement.  Please avoid lining up towards the schools car park.  Once you have dropped off/ collected your child please keep the gate clear so the children can enter/ leave the site promptly.

Thank you for your understanding.


We expect all our Year 5 pupils to be practising their times tables everyday, by rehearsing their facts they will become quick, confident and fluent in their understanding.  We also expect them to read each day for at least 10 minutes.  As explained in the school flyer, each student will have a levelled reading book and a book of their choice from our class library.  The books and diaries will be checked and changed weekly.  Your child will be able to collect up to 5 ticks on their reward card each week which will enable them to receive a Golden Ticket, when completed.  Year 5 will be given spellings (following a simple rule or pattern) each Monday and tested each Friday.  This will also help them with their vocabulary and handwriting skills.  We will also give out additional homework tasks as the term progresses.

Year 5 2019-2020
What is Marvellous Me?

Marvellous Me is a simple solution that helps teacher and parents to improve children's learning and character development.

As well as offering many classroom benefits, MarvellousMe makes it easy and fun for teachers to share wonderful new with parents about their children's activities and achievements, and for parents to provide better at-home support and motivation.

There are 2 parts to Marvellous Me:

  • The Marvellous Me teacher app. Teachers use this to consolidate learning, praise behaviour and engage parents at the same time. It's very fast and perfect to use as an everyday classroom tool. Teachers love using it to support plenaries.
  • The Marvellous Me parent app. Parents get exciting alerts every time that teachers post a learning activity, award their child a badge or send a message home. These snippets of information help parents to stay in touch with their children's school day and supercharge great family conversations about school. The app is easy to use, fun to show children and can be safely shared with other family members.

We are 'Ready for Anti Bullying Week' 11th November to 15th November 2019

2nd Half Term - Autumn

Welcome back after the half term - where is the time going,

it will soon be Christmas?!

  Lots happening this term - Anti bullying, Cinema visits, Authentic outcome, Panto and much more!

  Also coming soon is 'Marvellous Me' - a new way that teachers can send messages to parents to update on how well your child is doing, what is happening, celebrating the great work that they do and so much more!


Thank you parents for your support.


1st Half Term - Autumn 2019

The first half term in Autumn has been busy, we visited the Science Museum in Winchester, we've had the Life Bus visit, firework night, Halloween Disco and of course lots and lots of learning. Year 5 have started the year well and we are ready for comes our way. The children are eager, the children are focused and they are certainly dedicated to getting as much knowledge as possible - Well done Year 5!



Year 5 2019- 2020 



Welcome all new Year 5 children, hope you've had a great Summer. We are all looking forward to the exciting year ahead with our first trip to Winchester Science Museum on Wednesday 18th September 2019.   You will explore the stars and planets, and investigate using science experiments and more.



 Essential Question: What Lies Beyond the Clouds?


blue skies with clouds


Map of the Constellations


moon landing buzz aldrin neil armstrong nasa mike collins apollo 11 spt

big bang theory what came before universe space big bounce

Moral Compass and Positive Powers. These are the schools foundation blocks for learning and achieving during our time at Front Lawn Primary Academy

At school we have been learning a new language - Spanish. Hola!

Maths Day

Escape Room - Here children were on a mission to save the planet by solving clues, problem solving and collaboration

Science at Havant Academy for British Science Week

Forensic Workshop Day for British Science Week

Nelson Mandela - Summer 2019 Topic

Essential Question - Does Everyone have the Right to Freedom?


 Summer's Theme Topic 2019 - Nelson Mandela and Apartheid


What's going on?

This term we are investigating and researching into Nelson Mandela and apartheid in South Africa. We launched the topic by segregating the boys and girls into to two areas - the boys had the freedom and do what they liked, the girls were kept in a specific small place and had to write lines. Lots of grumbles were made, then the girls area was made smaller, and so the moaning and comments were made. It was interesting that the grumbles were not made just by the girls, but the boys by saying how unfair it was that the girls were kept in their small area and they didn't like the fact the girls weren't allowed to talk to the boys.  This started a great discussion, but also showed us that the children had tolerance of and accepting that everyone is different - well done Year 5.



We are off to 'Farnham Sculpture Park', and from this we hope to gain inspiration to create our own sculptures based upon South Africa and Nelson Mandela. Year 5 will then sell these as our 'Authentic Outcome', to raise money for the Nelson Mandela Foundation.


Foundation/ Scrap Book Learning 

Year 5 will be looking at reversible and irreversible changes in Science, create African music ourselves by composing a piece of music based upon an African story. Art will see us creating a sculpture and Batik art, along with History researching and understanding apartheid and what it meant to all. Geography and DT will see Year 5 creating a video using green screen on Nelson Mandela and his fight for freedom, while Geography will look at the features of Africa. 

Apartheid in South Africa

Free Writing - we visited Staunton Country Park. Here we looked around the park, visited the unusual features, the place of the old house and then we went back to school and wrote about our time.

Spring's Theme Topic 2019 - Egyptians


 Spring Term 2019 - Essential Question: Is Water an Essential?


 What's going on?

 This term we are visiting London to visit the British Museum and the Egyptian section. We are really looking forward to seeing the Mummy's - not our own mums, but the ancient Egyptian ones! We'll be creating an exhibition at the end of the topic and sell some canvas bags with our own Egyptian designs, display our Egyptian work and create a leaflet that gives facts to younger children. 


As well as the usual - PE, Literacy and Maths, we will also be taking part in sport fixtures like Athletics, football for boys and girls and Cross country running.   In Geography we will be looking at comparing deserts from around the world, where they can be found - using our 'Daily Dashboard', and investigating the animals and plants in Science. History is the main theme and through this we will be searching out why the pyramids were built, why they mummified certain people, how did they build the pyramids and many other questions. 


So, a busy term for Year 5, but we are ready for it!

Project on a Page Spring 2019

We went outside and created maze's linked to our book we were reading - The Maze Runner by James Dashner, we did this to experience what it would be like to be in a maze and we also like to challenge each other!

Geography - Deserts of the World.

Science - Living things and Animals

We investigated Ancient Egypt. One piece of homework was to create a mummy!

It's gone all Greek!


   Autumn 2018 - The Greeks

   This term, Year 5 are investigating the Greeks and how they have affected the world.  We will look at 'Ancient Greece' through to 'Modern Greece' - comparing between the two and how Greece is similar or different to the UK.

 To kick start our Greek investigation, we held a Greek toga party and tried all things Greek.  Some brave children tried the Octopus!!!  

 What else has been going on!

 * We had a visit by the 'Life Bus', it visited and we talked about healthy living and what we can do to stay healthy.

 * We've been getting free fruit to support our healthy bodies and we take part in daily 'Brain Breaks'

 * As a school we have helped create the school displays - History, Geography, Art, RE etc. 

 * Some of us in Year 5 have taken part in sporting activities with other schools e.g. football and cross country running

 * Learning some great songs with Aled in our classes and then in singing assembly.

 * Started the 'Behaviour Bands' - we have to complete a set of criteria before we get a particular band. We first have no band, then we aim for a 'Rainbow', then a 'Bronze', followed by a 'Silver' and a 'Gold' band. Each new band we get we have a treat/ trip to help us keep showing our great behaviour. 

* Designing our own Christmas cards that can be printed and sold to raise money.


What is coming up!

* Body Percussion-This is a whole school activity that uses are body to make noises while using text to tell a story!

* Fireworks night - this is when the whole school, organised by Miss Jones, celebrate Bonfire Night with our families

* A school disco so we can let our hair down and raise money for the school

* Christmas parties

* Christmas and getting ready for the new year to begin.

'Project on a Page' Autumn 2018

Our 'Essential Question' for Autumn 2018 is: Should we discover what is behind the clouds?

Winchester Science Museum Trip

Behaviour Bands - This shows you what each child must achieve before getting a reward for their excellent behaviour. Every child has one copy, and is highlighted when they achieve and show brilliant behaviour. Children can access this anytime to see what they need to work on to get to the next level.

Maths Challenges!

Planned Trips 2018-2019: Winchester Science Museum (Autumn)/ British Museum (Spring) / Sculpture Park (Summer)

VIP of the Week is...

Time for fun and Learning!

We started the Summer Term with a positive attitude.


We are proud of our learning and our presentation 



Drawing to explain why


Proof by drawing

Starting the term with some story mapping

This is our non-chronological report about Hobbits

We have been looking at a range of non-chronological reports.  We have looked at the similarities and differences between them.  Based on this, we have decided on some tools to use when we write our own.

We started the Hocus Pocus theme with a little bit of magic!

Mr Kops amazed us with his card trick, while Mrs Lambert and Miss Garrod practised their mind reading skills.

Then they taught us how to do magic too.

Why don’t you try it? 


Think of a number between 1 and 10 any number will do,

Now take that number and multiply it by 2

Are you ready?  Good, add 6

Halve the number in your head

Subtract the number you first thought of 

and the number you are now thinking of is...




Who has been in our classroom?

After discovering some strange objects, we wrote a recount of the events.  We each had our own ideas about what had happened and used the evidence to prove it.  Did our visitors come from Narnia?  Was there a portal in our very own classroom?  It definitely got us thinking.

Starting our Talk for Writing in the new term.

9 6 7 9 4 Visitors