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Staying Safe

Staying Safe at Front Lawn

At Front Lawn, both the physical and emotional safety of the children is extremely important and plays a key role in everything we do: from Safeguarding procedures, to risk assessments, to the curriculum: including working alongside the NSPCC to deliver 'Staying Safe' assemblies and workshops. Below are the key aspects of what we do and how we do it in order to ensure children are safe and feel safe at our school and when they go out into the world.




Safeguarding is clearly a key part of our day to day work and we take this responsibility very seriously. Our Child Protection policy is updated at least annually. All staff and governors received updated safeguarding training annually. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) for child protection are Kate Couldwell and Terri Beynon. Their safeguarding update training was completed in September 2020. Statutory requirements are that this training is completed every two years. We have additional staff trained as DSLs to ensure that there is always a DSL on site they are, Amanda Grant, Sarah Read, Claire Rimmer and Jan Kelleher. Our link governor for safeguarding is Lainey Franks. Through our selection process we are clear that we believe in robust safeguarding and that all successful applicants will be subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service check (it used to be called CRB) and other 'fit for work' checks before they can start in school. All of our selection panels have at least one person who has passed Safer Recruiting training to ensure that robust safeguarding procedures are put in place at recruitment level. Regular volunteers are also subject to DBS checks, although we only allow 1:1 work with children in public areas such as the corridor.


All staff have annual prevent training.

Click on the link below to find out how we protect children against radicalisation.




An external audit on e-safety from the National Online Safety Review has awarded us their highest e-safety security rating.

The full report is available via the hyperlink.

"The school has an excellent level of online safety and is very aware of the importance of online safety for learners, parents and staff...".


Staying safe on-line is a very important part of keeping children safe even when they are not in school and we see this as part of our work on Safeguarding. With the recent creation of the Online Safety Group we have planned workshops for parents about social media, delivered assemblies for the children - including theatre performances and delivered a staff training inset day on e-safety, and workshops for all of our classes. 

Our children who take their chromebooks home or use their school account online in school and at home are protected by GoGuardian and Google's GSuite settings no matter where they are.


Our latest measure to enhance safety awareness amongst pupils and staff has been the adoption of the highly praised eCadets. The eCadets is an award winning programme which trains, empowers and supports a team of pupils to keep their friends safe online.

The programme is run by a team of former police officers and there is also the opportunity for every other child at the school to benefit and get involved through Bubble – the 100% safe social platform which is run and moderated by eCadets HQ and enables children to safely engage with children the same year group age as themselves in complete safety.

If you’d like to know more please visit: or check out their Twitter account: @ecadets


“An age-appropriate e-safety curriculum that is flexible, relevant and engages pupils’ interest; that is used to promote e-safety through teaching pupils how to stay safe, how to protect themselves from harm and how to take responsibility for their own and others’ safety.  Positive rewards are used to cultivate positive and responsible use.  Peer mentoring programmes.”

Ofsted Guidance on eSafety, 2015



National Online Safety Review. Grade 5 accreditation awarded.

The link below shows a recent webinar from Her Majesty's School Inspectors and the Breck Foundation on the many potential dangers our children may face on the internet today.


Medical Conditions

We have a number of children with on-going medical conditions and ensure their safety and health through adjustments to the school building where reasonable and the administration of medicines where necessary. All staff administering long-term prescription medicines are trained for each individual by a healthcare professional. If you believe this to be applicable to your child, please see our Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy.

For children who have severe allergies we take appropriate steps to keep them healthy in school. We strive to be a nut-free school and can provide special menus for children with certain allergies. If this applies to your child, please come and let us know at the Welcome Office. All staff receive annual training on epi-pen use.

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