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Week 1

Weekly reading tasks (aim to do 1 per day)

Read a variety of books at home. Favourites can be repeated. Hearing the patterns of language in a story will support your child’s language development.


Children to read to parents daily. Visit Oxford Owl for free eBooks that link to your child’s book band. You can create a free account. Complete the linked Play activities for each book.


With your child, look in magazines, newspapers and books for the tricky words they are currently learning. They could use a highlighter to highlight in magazines and newspapers.


Weekly maths tasks (aim to do 1 per day)

Watch a Numberblocks clip each day at: Use this guide here to give you ideas on what to do with your children whilst watching an episode.


Practise counting up to 20. This can be done through playing hide and seek, singing number songs, chanting, board games etc.


Write out the digits 0 - 9.


Practise recognising amounts up to five or up to ten by playing these games. This can be done by reading a dice when playing board games, playing with cards, identifying how many food items on the plate etc.


 Sing Number songs to practice counting, reciting numbers in order, one more, one less using number songs: Five Little Ducks, Five Little Men, Ten Green Bottles


Weekly Phonics Tasks

Sing Nursery Rhymes and songs together. Add in actions and change the words. Can children think of different rhyming words to add in? Repeat old favourites and learn new rhymes. You can find an A-Z of Nursery Rhymes here


Daily phonics - Practice the sounds your child is working on and blend words. This can be oral blending (e.g. spoken out loud c-a-t) or written if appropriate.


Sing the song ‘Daddy Finger’- Can your child change their voice for each person e.g. a deep voice for Daddy finger, a squeaky voice for Baby finger.


Play phonics noughts and crosses. Draw out a grid and write a letter sound or tricky word in each part of the grid. Take it in turns to name what is written in the grid. If you say it correctly you can add your nought or cross in that square.


Learning Project

The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to gain a better understanding of their own family. Learning may focus on what different makeup of families, what traditions your family has, stories linked to your family etc. 


Look at a selection of family photographs and discuss the changes over time. Show your child a photograph of them as a baby, a 1 year old, a 2 year old. What could they do at that age? What can they do now that they couldn’t do then?


Look at a picture of a family member as a baby (this could be parents, siblings). Discuss how everyone was a baby once.


Are there any black and white photographs? Why are these photographs black and white? Do they show older family members when they were younger? Talk about how life was different then.


Draw a family tree- How does your family link together? Can your child draw out their family members and link them together using lines?


Do a picture survey of the people in your house. How many family members have blonde/ brown/ black/ red hair? Can you record this with pictures? How many people have blue/ brown/ green eyes?


Have a family picnic. Lay out a blanket in the living room or garden. Can children make sure everyone has a plate, fork, spoon, cup? How many do we need all together? Give your child a selection of food and ask them to share it fairly between everyone? If there is one left over what could we do?


Sort out the clean clothes. Who do they belong to? Can they deliver them to the right place in the house? Pair up socks. Can they match the patterns/ colours? Can they count in twos to work out how many there are all together? Peg clothes on the airer (this will support children to develop hand strength which will impact on their writing).


Put on a show or performance- Perform a story or song to your family. Plan out costumes,

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