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Year 6


We welcome your children back to school ready for their very last year with us at Front Lawn Primary. 



Year 6 team:

Miss Goodman  (T) and Mrs Horrell (TA)- Chestnut class

Mr Craig (T)  and Mrs Watts (TA)- Sycamore class

Miss Rodriguez/ Miss Garrod - Year 6 Teacher's


Reading and Times Tables

We expect children to be practising their times tables

and reading everyday!


We will also give out additional learning too to support the current lessons they are being taught.



Children will be required to attend school dressed in their PE kits on their allocated PE days. They will then stay in these for the day. 

Contact us - Year 6 email for homework enquiries


Any queries please email  with a subject of Year 6 plus your child's name


Thank you,


Mr. Craig, Miss Goodman, Miss Rodriguez and Miss Garrod



Year 6 Positive Powers Linked to Little People Big Dreams

Year 6 residential. The children enjoyed taking part in the various team building activities. We were so impressed with them!

Autumn Term 2021, we will be asking the 'essential question':

'What is the True Cost of War?'


We will be learning about World Wars 1 and 2 as well as looking at current conflicts that are happening around the world.  In particular we have a focus on the impact of conflict on society and what is it like to be a refugee.

Spring Term 2022, we will be asking the 'essential question':

'What is the Power of Nature?'

This term, the children will be looking at the power of volcanoes, the Romans and how large an empire it was - the volcano that destroyed Pompeii.

This is a sound recording of the moment that World War 1 came to an end at 11 O'Clock on the 11th November 1918

Still image for this video
Listen carefully to the silence that follows the ceasefire. What do you hear?

In History, children have been learning about the Suffragettes and writing a letter impersonating an imprisoned Suffragette 'Constance'. 

The children have been working hard creating their own Historical essay which answers the key question: True or False? Propaganda wins wars.

Today we shared a special assembly to celebrate Armistice Day.

Year 6 Trip to Milestones 2021 - WW2 experience

In Science, the children have been learning about light and refractions of light. They created their own periscope to test out how submarines are able to see above the water using their knowledge learnt. 




To help with grammar, children can access these links.


Sing with Grammarsaurus - Nouns:



Sing with Grammarsaurus - Co-ordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS):


Sing with Grammarsaurus - Subordinating Conjunctions (A WHITE BUS):    


SPAG Poster

Year 6 Spelling List

Maths to make you think: Crack the code

Before Year 6 2021 - 2022 Term

The Year 6 team hope that you all had a fantastic and restful half term - we welcome the children back for their last half term of Front Lawn Primary Academy.  The remaining Summer Term, looks to be jam-packed with many exciting opportunities for children and parents alike. We look forward to the swimming lessons, a whole school Summer Production, Butlins and Year 6's Leavers assembly.  


We look forward to seeing you soon. 

 We would like to thank all the children for their hard work and effort during SATs. The children showed growing maturity and resilience throughout. Additionally, we would like to thank the parents for all your support too. 



As we return to school after the Spring half term, we are getting closer to SATs. SATs week is the week commencing Monday 13th May through to Thursday 16th May. Below is a short video to explain these assessments. If you have any concerns or queries then please come and see a member of the Year 6 team.  

2019 KS2 tests

A summary of the Key Stage 2 tests that Year 6 pupils will take in England in May 2019. Aimed particularly at parents. Downloadable version available here:

Budding Scienctists at Havant Academy - a lesson on the digestive system.

Year 6 Spring Term Topic Journey

History- World War One Timelines

As part of our History topic, Year 6 had the opportunity to create their own timelines based on the battles of WW1. Here are some brilliant examples of timelines by Chris, Chloe and Phoebe. The children used a range of information to present this in any way they wished, ensuring it was clear, bright, colourful and eye catching. Well done!

Reading Workshop

This morning as part of the whole school reading workshop, Year 6 had the chance to analyse a text all about the Christmas Truce. The children annotated their work with tools and found out the definitions of tricky words.

Design Technology Skills Lesson- Which glue is the best?

This afternoon Sycamore class had the chance to explore all different types of glue. The children were able to evaluate which glue would be the best for making a shelter, by experimenting with super glue, PVA glue, glue sticks and even a hot glue gun! The children have made some brilliant fences ready for their shelters next week. 

Well done!


 Welcome back, we hope you all had a good half term smiley.


This half term we have many exciting opportunities in store for the children.

On Tuesday 13th November - Cinema visit

On Friday 16th November - Visit to Fort Purbrook for Junior Citizen workshops.

On Wednesday 21st November - anti-bullying production (parents are invited too) 9:20am.


Again we appreciate your support and expect every child to complete 10 minutes times tables practise and 10 minutes of reading (please send your child in with their reading diary signed) every day. Additionally, the children will often be sent home with practise SATs papers to work through at their own pace. 


On Thursday 4th October parents and carers are invited to our Year 6 Parents meeting at 3.30 pm. 


During our PSHE time, Year 6 were visited by The Art of Brilliance' This amazing opportunity allowed them to learn how to be the best they can be! #nomoodhoovershere

The Art of Brilliance

On Friday, Year 6 were transformed back in time when they visited Milestones museum. They enjoyed many activities and met many people from the past. 


We are looking forward to our visit to Milestones museum on Friday 28th September. Please ensure you have signed and made payment so that your child can experience this exciting opportunity. 

Home learning


It is imperative that our Year 6 children develop their independence and responsibility so they are ready for their next journey - Secondary school. With this in mind we expect the children to complete:


Daily times tables practise.

Daily reading 

Weekly spellings

Topic work when set. 


We want children to go above and beyond and be the best they can be, therefore if they wish to complete other home learning activities then this extra effort is praised and goes towards moving onto the next band.


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