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Single Equalities Statement

We welcome the equality duties on schools. We believe that all pupils and members of staff should have the opportunity to fulfill their potential whatever their background, identity and circumstance. We are committed to creating a community that recognises and celebrates difference within a culture of respect and cooperation. We appreciate that a culture which promotes equality in relation to all protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation) will create a positive environment and a shared sense of belonging for all who work, learn and use the services of our school. Our commitment to equality and diversity is a fundamental part of our drive towards excellence.


We recognise that equality will only be achieved by the whole school community working together – our learners, staff, governors and parents in particular.


As a school we have worked hard to ensure we deliver a diverse curriculum and children study a range of exceptional people from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures.


What our parents think ....

Year 1

"Zach came home this afternoon telling me all about diversity (he said the word straight out, no hesitation on how to say it). He then went on to tell me all about what it means. How Harley has different colour hair and eyes to him but the same skin. The pictures they drew of each other's faces. The video they saw of the girl with 'hook' legs. "But she is still like us just" he says "her legs were really cool mummy like a robot" he also mentioned people in "chairs with wheels, wheelchairs!" he confirmed. 

My son knows the meaning of Diversity. 

My son loved learning all about our differences but how we are the same. 

My son loved learning.

Thank you."


Our school supports 4 charities - Age UK, the leading charity for older people, Mermaids UK, who have been supporting trans and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families since 1995, The Stephen Lawrence Trust who work with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and the Stephen Hawkings Trust which facilitates and supports work relating to Motor Neurone Disease and those living with the disease.  We raise money for these charities in our termly House Days.


We recently had the first of our 4 annual Charity days to raise money for the Mermaids Charity.  The children reminded themselves about the fantastic work that Mermaids UK did by watching some of the videos about what the charity did ( The children then completed a series of sponsored challenges linked to our Positive Power of Push Yourself including cup stacking, coin flipping, origami, hula hooping and juggling.  The sponsor money collected will be donated to the charity.




Educate and Celebrate- PRIDE in Educate and Celebrate Award

This year, September 2022, we as a school made the decision to begin the Equality/Equity/Diversity/Inclusion Award through the Educate and Celebrate company. This award goes through the Bronze, Silver and Gold categories, each with its own tasks the school must do to achieve it. 


As a school, we are committed to furthering the development of our children's understanding of what equality, equity, diversity and inclusion is, as well as how to become better citizens. Our curriculum is broad and balanced. To us, it is as important that our children study the curriculum, as it is to be good, wholesome individuals who are accepting of others. 


This was why we wanted to begin our journey through this award. The award, we knew, would help mould the next steps in our journey and support us to take our journey further. 


We are committed to the award and the organisation Educate and Celebrate, as we continue to develop our school's future. 

Decemeber 2022- We were awarded the Bronze award!

DIVERSITY DAY-19th June 2023


On this day, we celebrated LGBTQIA+ Pride month by having a diversity day, starting with a whole school assembly, learning about the community and different types of families through a PSHE lesson, wearing bright colours to raise money for the #Educate and Celebrate charity and having a bake sale after school. Different year groups had a different focus and everyone produced a lovely piece of work either based around a book or creating a poster to put up around the school, the winners chosen by governors. 


Year 4 posters celebrating PRIDE.

Our bright colours celebrating PRIDE!


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