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Year 3

Rocksteady visited FLPA today to deliver a workshop on all things music! The children even got to join in and some went up to perform in front of the school!

Here is our Spring 1 Model text, linked to our Rainforests topic. 


The Great Kapok Tree - portal story- setting focus (dialogue purpose)

Two men walked into the rainforest. Moments before, the forest had been alive with the sounds of squawking birds and howling monkeys. Now all was quiet as the creatures watched the two men and wondered why they had come. The smaller man took an axe he had been carrying, struck the trunk of the tree and grunted. 

Suddenly, he felt himself falling deeper and deeper until, thump. Looking around, the man seemed to be in the rainforest still yet everything looked different. He looked up and witnessed the sun streaming through the canopy as spots of bright light glowed like jewels amidst the dark, green forest. Strange and beautiful plants seemed to dangle in the air, fragrant perfume of flowers swirled and the steamy mist rose from the forest floor.

Suddenly, from all around animals started to appear. A boa constrictor slithered down the tree trunk hissing, bees buzzed around the man’s ears and a troupe of monkeys surrounded the man chattering. 

“We will not let you cut down this tree. This tree is our home,” they hissed, “without it there will be nothing to hold the earth in place, fires will spread and the forest will be ruined.” Gathering closer to him they chanted, “Ruined forest means ruined lives.”


Screaming, the man started to wail. Before him stood all the wondrous and rare animals that depended upon the great Kapok tree. Then, they looked at him, strangely silent. The man picked up his axe and swung back his arm to strike the tree but then stopped.


Without warning, he felt himself falling again and when he opened his eyes he was back where he had begun. Looking at the axe in his hands the man felt filled with shame. Throwing the axe to the floor, he turned and walked away. The great Kapok tree would not be cut down by him.

Year 3 Home Learning - Writing & Reading - Thursday 17th & Friday 18th March 2022

Y3 Autumn Term - The Tudors

YEAR 3 2021-2022 

Fir Class - Miss Ashman & Mrs Kettle

Elm Class - Miss Dewey & Mrs Joyce

Curriculum coverage Autumn 2021

We have been learning the countries of North and South America. Ask your children to sing the song!

Summer term focus- Healthy eating and being healthy (mental health and fitness)

Ask your children about our new Year 3 Positive Powers Wheel... Can they name each person and why they represent that power?

Please remember:


Any concerns or questions, contact us immediately using:


We are here to help and support you during these difficult and unsettling times.


Kind regards,


Mr. Christofa, Miss. Whittams, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Brewer.

Education is so important. Please keep trying to get onto our Google Classroom sessions each day, if possible! :)

Get ready for our Christmas production!!! Here is a sneak preview of Elm Class...

Today we celebrate Armistice day by making a wreath and learning about why we celebrate this day.

Here is some of our children learning to play the ukulele!

Do you know all 50 States of America? Elm class do! Click the video below to see us in action.

Still image for this video

When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom retell Elm Class.

Still image for this video
Paragraph 1 of our retelling of the Harriet Tubman story we learnt based on the books:

Little People, Big Dreams
Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom.

The story is full of facts, which the children can retrieve brilliantly!

When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom retell Elm Class.

Still image for this video
Paragraph 2.

When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom retell Elm Class.

Still image for this video
Paragraph 3.

When Harriet Tubman Led Her People To Freedom retell Elm Class.

Still image for this video
Paragraph 4

A great booklet about Scott Joplin by Rosie.

A great piece of writing by Roxie.

A fabulous piece of writing by Leyton.

Authentic Outcome: FREEDOM TREE

Making our final outcome.

Our new 3rd area

We started story mapping our Harriet Tubman story this week as we will be learning the story and will write our own journey stories!

This term, we will be researching the history of the black lives matter movement, all the way back to over 500 years ago when slavery was introduced, through the civil war in America and all of the important events in between.

This term, year 3 will be learning to play the UKULELE!

Here is our curriculum map for this term. This document tells you everything we will be learning this term, the journey from start to finish and all of the topics we will cover. Any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Everything you need to know for this year all in one place. :)

YEAR 3- 2020-2021

Welcome back to a new year at Front Lawn!


This year is going to be different than usual in some ways, but mostly this year will be a welcomed return to normality. 


We look forward to helping the children catch up, we will be doing loads of PSHE to help the children get back to normal and we will be doing P.E twice a week. 


Thank you for supporting us in helping your children to progress and please know we are always here if you need us. 


Mr. Christofa, Miss. Withams, Mrs. Clark and Miss. Brewer.

Year 3 2019/2020

Welcome back to another school year. This year the Year 3 team are:


         Miss Boister, Ms Friedli (Student teacher) & Mrs Martin - Elm class

         Miss Withams & Mrs Miller/Mrs Lamb - Fir Class


         Tuesday: PE day (please ensure your child has a PE kit that stays in school).

         Fridays: VIP Assembly 9 am  


  Key Dates:


        Tuesday 17th September - Trip to Hampton Court Palace - school uniform to be worn and disposal       packed lunch.

Friday 15th November - Vue Cinema trip


Home learning


Each child is expected to practise their target tables each night and read for 10 minutes. Please sign your child's reading diary (these will be given out shortly) and ensure they bring it into school the following day where they will receive a stamp leading to a reward later on in the term. 


If you have any questions or would like any help with home learning then just pop in to see one of us. 

The Year 3 Team. smiley

Foe week 3 of Fishkeeper Fry, we collected our zebra Danios who are enjoying their new aquarium.

Year 3 visited the local Leigh Park library this week and enjoyed looking around the library and listening to stories.

Visit from Animals UK. Year 3 children experienced first hand, rain forest creatures.

It was finally time for our Authentic Outcome this week. The children were excited to show off their Tudor Dancing and enjoy their Tudor food.

DT saw the children making marzipan to raise money for the charity 'Mind' and to enjoy at their Tudor Ball.

The children really enjoyed learning about their rights and celebrating the 30th birthday of the United Nations Rights of the Child. They explored some of the articles and created their own examples of each right. Our kitchen staff made birthday cupcakes which were delicious.

As part of her Silver band reward, Laura kindly bought in her adorable pet hamster, Sadie, to share with the children.

As part of your topic, the children learnt Tudor dances. They worked extremely hard and presented them to you, the parents.

Curiosity and wonder was created in Science this week with real animals skulls!

Children enjoyed investigating division problems.

Year 3 Hampton Court Trip

Home learning - click on the link below to see the children's author study home learning.

African Drumming - To launch our Black History month the children were immersed in an African drumming experience.

A very special visitor in Year 3...

In order to learn from a first-hand historical source, Brian very kindly visited Year 3 on the 5th June 2019, to share his memories and experiences of being in the Royal Navy, serving on submarines. He showed us many interesting things, including his different kinds of uniform, certificates and medals. We were so proud of Year 3 for showing great respect for all of Brian's naval achievements and for asking some brilliant research questions!


Year 3 Geography/History Trip to Old Portsmouth - Discovering the roots of The Royal Navy 26.4.19

Year 3 walked a fair few miles on our Geography trip, following the Millennium Trail and discovering the origins of the Royal Navy. We enjoyed exploring Southsea Castle and The Royal Garrison Church, learning about the historical buildings and their importance.


Down to the seaside we go!

Heading into the Summer Term, Year 3 will be exploring the topic of 'The Royal Navy' and 'Pirates', thinking about the stories of Peter Pan and Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs. Mr Willis and Miss Ashman are excited for Year 3 to see their newly-decorated classrooms, complete with Pirate Ships and Naval Boats!





Spring Term Authentic Outcome

To emulate the beauty of the rainforest and everything Year 3 have learned, we created (with the artistic expertise of Mrs Payne!) an amazing table-sized DT model of the rainforest, complete with pipe cleaner creatures and mini bridges and tree houses! Year 3 chose to raise some money for the Orangutan Foundation, so we put the model at Staunton Country Park to raise money from donations over the Easter holidays.








Henri Rousseau - Artwork 4.4.19

Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed studying the flora and fauna artwork of Rousseau, and decided to design and create their own rainforest scenic paintings, in his style.


Maths - Water Capacity Race! 3.4.19

Despite the wet weather, our Year 3 mathematicians put their learning of capacity and volume into practise by taking part in a fun, energetic water race - to see which team could collaborate effectively to fill their containers with the most volume of water!




Science Plant Model Making 

Our Year 3 scientists have been enjoying investigating the anatomy of plants and have discovered the names and functions of each part of a plant. They chose to represent this learning by making some brilliant labelled models!


Science Week 18.3.19

Year 3 have been incredibly dedicated young scientists this week and we have completed some fascinating experiments... Including:

How to make a rainbow petal rose        

How bees pollinate plants (through drama!)   

How to use fingerprints in forensic science   



Science 13.3.19 - Some special visitors at Front Lawn...

As scientists, Year 3 have been studying how to classify animals according to their diet, appearance and adaptations to their habitat. We were lucky to be able to meet lots of wonderful rainforest creatures, including Funky the Chameleon and Severus Snake the boa constrictor! Many of us were very brave and also held Charlotte the Tarantula! 



Year 3's Geography Trip to Staunton Country Park 6.2.19

In order to compare the English woodland to the Tropical climate of the rainforest, the Y3 rainforest explorers visited Staunton, where we collected some field research about the physical and human features of the woodland and inside the rainforest glasshouse.



Welcome to the Spring Term Year 3!

Mr Willis and Miss Ashman are excited to take you on a journey deep into South America... to our new topic of 'What a Wonderful World'  and the Amazon Rainforest...

Year 3 Authentic Outcome

A Tudor Banquet to raise money for The Prince's Trust

We dressed up as Tudors and sold our amazing portraits, easels and handmade marzipan roses to raise money for our chosen royal charity - The Prince's Trust!


Magnets Morning 27.11.18

Year 2 suited up in their white lab coats and investigated the invisible force of magnetism and which materials were magnetic and why.


Maths Week 12.11.18

Year 3 had a fun-filled mathematical week, completing the challenges set by the evil Matrix! We created giant 3D shapes from paper, completed a Maths Treasure Trail and we saved our school from an alien invasion by problem solving!



As designers and artists, Year 3 created some wooden easels to hold their amazing Tudor portrait drawings...




A Royal Visitor...?


Year 3 returned from the Half Term holidays to find a very unexpected royal   visitor! After some investigation and comical story telling, they discovered  that the Queen had made a very weird and wonderful birthday wish for a new butler ... an orangutan butler! Despite being warned by the Duke of the impending "chaos!", the Queen goes ahead with her wish...

Year 3 are now excited to learn this Warning Story by David Walliams with our brilliant Talk for Writing actions!

Year 3's Historical Adventure to... Hampton Court Palace!


Our History adventures took Year 3 to Hampton Court Palace and we explored a beautiful, authentic Tudor palace! All the children learnt lots of amazing facts and experienced a real-life working Tudor kitchen. Brilliant behaviour was displayed by all children and all the staff were very proud!


The Terrific Tudors!

Year 3 have experienced a spot of time-travelling for the start of the school year, beginning in 1485 with the iconic Battle of Bosworth! Elm Class assembled as Henry Tudor's House of Lancaster, with their Fir Class enemies, Richard III's House of York close behind! Some brilliant acting and drama still images took place, as the children learnt how the events of this 'War of the Roses' changed the course of Tudor history forever!



Autumn Term (Sept-Oct) 2018


A big, warm welcome to our incredible new Year 3 children and their parents! Miss Ashman and Mr Willis have been excited about meeting everyone and beginning our exciting new topics this year. Watch this space for all the exciting antics Year 3 encounter this year!  




Very Important Person News!

A very big well done goes to Year 3's VIPs this week...

Elm Class: Harmony

For making such great progress over the last week. Miss Moulton and Mr McRae are very proud of Harmony for coming into school every day with a big, infectious smile and for her determination in her learning this week.


Fir Class: Macayla

For being such a brilliant FLPA ambassador and valued member of Fir Class. Miss Ashman and Miss Watts are always extremely proud of Macayla, as she is so dedicated to her learning, always helpful, friendly and polite - as well as being consistently well-behaved, energetic and confident!

A HUGE thank you!

Year 3 received a very exciting letter in the post this week...

The amazing charity Smile Train replied to our donation and sent us this brilliant letter and certificate in recognition of the AMAZING £108 that we raised by selling our Fantastic Beast Art 3D models. We are very grateful for the donations and for the children's hard work and dedication to their artwork.

What an achievement to be proud of!


Very Important Person News!

A very big well done goes to Year 3's VIPs this week...

Elm Class: Maison

For making such great progress over the last half term. Miss Moulton has seen a real improvement in his attitude and resilience towards his learning.


Fir Class: Jayden

For being such a perfect FLPA role model! Miss Ashman is always incredibly proud of his endless enthusiasm, motivation for learning and humorous personality, which always makes her smile!

What's TED been up to in Year 3..?


We have really loved getting to know TED and how he can help us to feel and keep safe in school. By Telling, Explaning and Describing our worries and achievements, we have become experts at expressing our feelings and keeping each other happy and safe! Also, TED is a cheeky character around the classroom... This week he has joined in with our fab recorder lesson and also Fir Class shared an odd sock TED Circle, thinking about Downs Syndrome Day and how in this world, it should be celebrated that we are all so different and unique!


Year 3 Espionage Mechanics in the Making...


"If you could design the ultimate spy vehicle, how would you like it to look?"

Year 3's have answered this question in their DT lessons this half term, by working as part of a team to Research, Design, Create and Evaluate their very own Spy Cars! We used our Maths learning to enable us to create the chassis from 3D shape nets and we also used our Art and DT skills to join different materials together. We feel very proud of our 3D models... check them out!


Well, didn't Year 3 do 'welly'!

The Y3 staff at FLPA would like to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to all our pupils' lovely family and friends who kindly sponsored their children to take part in our whole school Welly Walk. The money the children have raised will be put towards renovating our pond area on the LS site, which will provide rich outdoor learning experiences for all FLPA children. Despite it being a 'breezy' morning, Year 3 welly-booted up and braved the cold - with some children achieving over 25 laps of the field - an amazing achievement!  


Maths: Telling the Time!

Over the past 2 weeks, Year 3 have been learning about more in-depth time telling skills.

They have found this very challenging, so if you can, any extra help at home with telling the time would be much appreciated! Also, if your child has their own watch, could they please start wearing it into school as this will help them to apply their learning.

Espionage in Year 3...

This term Year 3 have been transformed into super spies! We were brilliant detectives investigating a crime scene in our Library on our very first day back! We will be solving many more mysteries over the next few weeks, whilst being inspired by the portal story of 'Spy School' by author Stuart Gibbs. 


Elf Antics in Year 3!

Christmas celebrations are well underway in Year 3 and this week, Fir and Elm Class both had some very cheeky visitors... The Front Lawn elves have been up to mischief, playing hide and seek in Elm Class' Christmas stockings and snuggling up in Fir Class' bed to share some bedtime stories! What ever will they do next?                



We've gone all Greek in Year 3 this week!

As part of our interesting History topic about the Ancient Greeks, the Year 3 area was transformed into a Greek Cafe! The children really enjoyed themselves as they got to try lots of Greek delicacies and investigate why Greek people used to eat these foods. 


There were also some funny faces being pulled when the children tried the olives... Safe to say not many children actually managed to eat one but they gave it a good try!


This week in Year 3...

Making New Friends 

We had some lovely visitors from Thakeham Primary School, who came to visit to research our school
and its local area as part of their Geography field work. We really enjoyed making lots of new friends
and sharing our knowledge with them!



Remembrance Day

On Friday, Year 3 did some careful work, thinking about Remembrance Day and its importance. They painted some
beautiful poppy jars, lit with a single flame to represent our respect for those who fell in the World Wars. We observed our 2 minutes silence as a school, making everyone very proud.


Phew... what a busy week!

Year 3 have had such an exciting week! After lots of practise, we took part in our lovely Harvest Festival at the local church, with Father Jonathon. We sang beautifully and performed a harvest rhyme.
Thank you to all our lovely parents for their food donations - we are very grateful!

As well as Harvest, Year 3 were lucky to have a special visitor this week - famous poet and author, Brian Moses! In our workshop, he taught us how to write some funny poetry and also performed some hilarious poems
for us in the Hall.


Music Mayhem in Year 3!

Over the past 2 weeks, Year 3 have been very lucky to have been given the opportunity to start learning how to play their very own recorders with Mr Billington! After a very squeaky (and noisy!) start, they have now learnt how to play 2 different notes and they have been practising some basic tunes. Both classes have really enjoyed themselves and they are all looking forward to getting better and better at playing this instrument every Thursday (and so are Miss Ashman and Miss Moulton!) :) .


This Week in Year 3...

Fir and Elm Class have been immersing themselves in their Acts of Kindness this week, to celebrate Front Lawn's 60th Birthday! We have written cards to thank our 'Everyday Heroes' and been excellent 'Playground Buddies'.
We have also completed some stunning water colour silhouette art of our very own fantastic beasts. If you pop into the Upper School hall at home time, you can see this fabulous artwork for yourselves!

Welcome to Fir and Elm Class!

Year 3 have had a brilliant start to their school life in the Upper School! 

Over the past 3 weeks, the children have been extra busy being extra creative! They have been studying the hilarious author David Walliams and creating some great stories and artwork for our corridor, based upon the comical story of 'The Queen's Orangutan'. They have also been very busy exploring and working in their exciting new classrooms with all the fantastic, magical beasts that are lurking inside...



9 7 4 5 9 Visitors