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We spend time talking to our children in all year groups about the importance of staying safe online.

Year 1 made some great posters for the school.

As a school we know how important mental health is.

We invite in specialists to talk to our children about what they can do if they are struggling.

Year 6 spent a day with 'Children on the Edge'.

We like to work with local services so that our children know where they can turn for support.

Year 5 & 6 work very closely with our local PCSO.

One of the school's chosen charities is Mermaids UK - we invited them in to talk about how they support children across the UK who are struggling with gender issues.



We created posters to raise awareness.

Every year our Year 6 children visit Fort Purbrook to learn about ways they can keep safe.

They meet staff from emergency services, the council and trading standards.

They learn how to be exemplary citizens.


We support our local Food bank by collecting any thing we can spare.
We keep this running all year.

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