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PSHE Scheme of Work


Learning in PSHE follows the National Curriculum Programme of Study and links to our positive power wheel.

The Positive power wheel supports children to develop important learning characteristics and to develop as moral, responsible citizens.

Year Group

Area of Study                

Significant Person to study alongside positive powers

Health and Well-being


The Wider World

Positive powers - 

Don't Give up, Push Yourself, Understand Others,

Work Hard, Imagine, Try New Things



My Body, My Relationships, My beliefs, My Rights, 

Asking for Help


Don't Give up - Vivienne Westwood

Work Hard - Coco Channel

Imagine - Jesse Owens

Try New Things - Pele

Understand Others - Sir Captain Tom Moore

Push Yourself - Wilma Rudolph

Year 1

Don't Give up - Aretha Franklin

Work Hard - John Lennon

Imagine - Andy Warhol

Try New Things - Steve Jobs

Understand Others - Mother Teresa

Push Yourself - Ella Fitzgerald

Year 2

Don't Give up - Elton John

Work Hard - Greta Thunberg

Imagine - Emmeline Pankhurst

Try New Things - Georgie O'Keefe

Understand Others - Bob Dylan

Push Yourself - Rosa Parks

Year 3

Don't Give up - Corazon Aquino

Work Hard - Jane Goodall

Imagine - Frida Kahlo

Try New Things - Jean-Michel Basquiat

Understand Others - Charles Darwin

Push Yourself - Martin Luther King

Year 4

Don't Give up - Ernest Shackleton

Work Hard - Mahatma Ghandi

Imagine - Amelia Earhart

Try New Things - Ada Loveless

Understand Others - Stevie Wonder

Push Yourself - Wilma Rudolph

Year 5

Don't Give up - Zaha Hadid

Work Hard - Muhammed Ali

Imagine - Maya Angelou

Try New Things - Bruce Lee

Understand Others - Stephen Hawkins

Push Yourself - Mala Yousafzai

Year 6

Don't Give up - David Bowie

Work Hard - Prince

Imagine - Alan Turing

Try New Things - Ru Paul

Understand Others - Marie Curie

Push Yourself - Anne Frank



PSHE plans are weekly and incorporate the 'Little People, Big Dreams' series of books to provide the children with a diverse range of inspirational people to learn about.

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