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Children should read to an adult at least 5 times a week and then this should then be recorded in their reading diary.   Children can choose whether to read the book they have chosen with their teacher OR the book that they are choosing to read from their bookmark.    Bookmark 'books' are to encourage children to read a range of books for pleasure; once they have completed a bookmark they will be given a 'reading band' and their bookmark entered into a prize draw at the end of the term.  Last term's winners won tickets to the cinema!


As part of Talk for writing children also text map a fiction and non-fiction text which they then learn in class.  Please ask your child to retell their text to you - this will then help them to write their own stories/texts.   


In addition, children are given a free book at the end of each half term which they can share with you and you can read together.  Spending time reading with your child plays a key role in their language development and their use of expression.

Key spellings for Year 3

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