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Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions a parent can make.  At Front Lawn Primary Academy we offer each child a safe, caring environment where they can thrive both socially and academically.  We work hard to ensure that your child’s experience of school is a positive one and one which encourages a love of learning and self-discipline from the start.


The curriculum in the school is well planned with priority given to developing high standards of literacy, and numeracy .   Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure the children have a strong moral compass and they see how important it is to be good citizen that contributes positively to their local and global community.  Our work is supported by a good level of resources and additional staffing to meet the individual needs of the children. We work hard to ensure each child has acquired the study skills necessary for them to continue their development at the next stage of education.


A positive partnership with parents is vital in achieving our aims. Home and school must work together and we need your support and co-operation. In return, we hope you will find the school welcoming, willing to listen and willing to respond to your questions, concerns or suggestions.



Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any questions or further queries about our lovely school. 



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